Wednesday, January 17, 2007

12. Education, Catechesis and Lay Formation

12. Lineamenta on Education, Catechesis and Lay Formation


The mission of evangelization was entrusted by Christ Jesus to the apostles. “Make disciples of all nations…teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.”(Mt 28:19-20). The Church, through the help of the Holy Spirit, spreads this call to all peoples by her education ministry, catechesis and formation programs. Through these, the Church as mother and teacher forms, guides and nurtures communities and individuals, especially the youth, in the Gospel message.
The Ministry of Education provides appropriate systems and structures, contextualized pedagogy and curriculum and relevant programs and activities at the diocesan and parish level for the advancement of arts, sciences, humanities and various disciplines in the light of the Gospel message. It defines human beings under formation as created subjects with a destiny, who are promised a resurrected life within the incarnational world and, exercising their gift of freedom, are called to serve the community for the greater glory of God. They are formed as creatures and children of God who are objects of His love and have a personal and transcendental destiny and can see the universe, ennobled by the incarnation of Jesus Christ, in a new meaning. They are nurtured to have a new vision of a human person with a promise of life after death that changes the whole reality of life as we live now. They are educated so that their physical, moral and intellectual talents are developed harmoniously to attain a greater sense of responsibility and the right use of freedom towards a worthy service of God with free will. They are guided to imitate Christ, who proclaims Himself to be the servant of all, making them realize that they are called to use their talents in the service of the community in whose life they participate. The Education Ministry of the Diocese shall abide with Vatican II’s exhortation, “every effort should be made to see that suitable coordination is fostered between various Catholic schools and that between these schools and others that kind of collaboration develops which the well-being of the whole human family demands.”(Gravissimum Educationis[GE], 12)
The Catechetical Ministry echoes what John Paul II said, “Guarding the deposit of faith is the mission which the Lord entrusted to His Church, and that which she fulfills in every age.” (John Paul II, Fidei Depositum) It is aimed at making a person’s faith become living, conscious and active through the light of instruction. Through this Ministry the Church realizes its educative function in collaboration with all institutions of learning whether Catholic or non-catholic, private or public schools. It uses approved doctrinal instruments in teaching catholic doctrine and in assiduously “fulfilling the mission of proclaiming the faith and calling people to the Gospel life.”(Catechism of the Catholic Church [NY: Image Doubleday, 1995], p.6) In line with the call for catechetical renewal as Church of the poor of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines [PCP II] toward a renewed integral evangelization as developed in the National Pastoral Plan [NPP] (Cfr. Catechism for Filipino Catholics [Makati: Word & Life Publications, 1997] pp.1-6), the ministry shall design an appropriate common diocesan curriculum of catechesis and establish a common catechetical institute in collaboration with existing tertiary catholic schools within the diocese for professionalizing the catechists.
Lay Formation Program is a common diocesan formation program and training design for lay leaders to enhance their competence in evangelizing the world and to have an active participation in the saving mission of the Church. The challenges of daily life marked by poverty and injustice, violence and destruction of environment, modernization and globalization, consumerism and individualism call for a new form of integral faith formation and well-rounded education for lay leaders. The Church in her mission of love, freedom, justice, peace and care for creation enunciates a relevant lay education that responds to the needs of all segments of society and rooted in the Scriptures and the teachings of the Church Magisterium.

Guide questions for small group discussions:
1. How can we have a proactive Education Ministry that responds to the Catholic education needs of our parishes, quasi-parishes, mission areas and schools?
2. How can we sustain an effective and relevant catechesis in our parishes, quasi-parishes, mission areas, schools and GKKs?
3. What should be our common diocesan program for formation of lay leaders?


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