Friday, July 21, 2006

Promotion of JPIC



The Carmelite mission which is expressed in apostolic ministry is Carmel contribution to the attainment of the mission of Jesus. Its sources are rooted from the teachings of the church, from Carmel tradition and values, by the signs of the times and circumstances of people and by attentive listening to the Word and interpreting it from the optic and perspective of the poor. (Chapter VI, Carmelite Constitution, 1995, p. 49)

The fulfillment of Carmelite mission can be done through the weakness of contemplative life, prophetic action and fraternal expression. The convergence and integration of contemplation and action is made concrete is solitude to feel the signs of God’s presence and in the lives of people. “The commitments of the Carmelite to live in the midst of the people in an expression of life open to reality, which is one of the biblical prophetic elements.”

In the article “Service among the People: The Experience of God sends us into mission” further explains or quotes “this way of being in the midst of the people” is a prophetic sign of a new way of relating with people—one that is based on friendship and fraternity. It is also a prophetic statement about justice and peace in society and among people. It is a “choice to share with the ‘little ones’ in history, a chance to speak a word of hope and of salvation from within, more through life that the words.” (RIVC 40)

In the message of the General Congregation of 1992 it clearly sets that “Carmelite are called to act out new paths, a new style of life, which is more inserted in the lived reality of people and more committed to that reality. A more incarnated, prophetic and communitarian spirituality is needed, focused on the need for the liberation form all forms of slavery and from the consequences of personal and social sin.”


The vision is the realization of genuine freedom, justice and peace and the integrity of God’s creation as concrete societal expression of the fullness of life for all.

Guided by the tradition and charism of the Carmelite Order the mission is to journey with the church and the struggling poor towards personal and social transformation. In many ways the mission compels each Carmelite to search and understand the causes of injustice and disquiet through the eyes of the poor and through the eyes of God, to promote and defend the rights of people and ecological balance, to respond to the challenges of the contemporary globalizing world to uphold and pursue the dreams and aspirations of women, and to build local and international allies and networks with and among organizations, movements and advocates of peace and justice.


The genuine and humble responses on behalf of justice, peace and integrity of creation will take a variety of forms and expressions which are contingent on the human, material and financial potentials and resources of the local communities and the General Commissariat. In specific terms the programs and services will include: research and documentation, education and training, economic and social production, support and mobilization, gender and development (focusing on women’s empowerment), contemplation and celebration of faith, networking, and allowance formation.

· Research and documentation focuses on gathering and analyzing data and information specific to the situation of women, agricultural workers, sugar plantation farmers and to some extent, children.
· Education and training concentration on sharing and processing of knowledge, skills, insights and perspectives of the magisterium on justice and peace, on the changing national and global situation, on gender and development on methods and strategies in the pursuit of rights and freedom.
· Economic and social production is general on processing and setting up of household/community enterprises that can mitigate the devastating effects of growing poverty and despondency in the rural communities.
· Support and mobilization provides material, organizational and financial assistance to sectoral groups, federation and movements of workers, peasants, women, indigenous people and urban poor who continuously defend and promote justice, peace and integrity of God’s creation.
· Gender and development is committed to consciousness formation, skills advancement and structural reforms that will empower poor and disadvantaged women and that will seek reforms and changes in the programs and agenda of the national and local governments.
· Contemplation and celebration of faith provides the meaningful occasions during which people, in search of justice and peace, can truly and sincerely reflect, discern ponder and celebrate faith in silence, in solidate and in common prayers.
· Networking and alliance formation is set to build bridges and areas of cooperation and collaboration with various groups, institutions and movements that demonstrate strong and genuine concerns for justice, peace and integrity of God’s creation.


In gradually realizing the mission and goals of the justice, peace and integrity of creation program of the General Commissariat through its local communities, those involved are encouraged to walk and work humbly with the fillers of the soil who are still struggling for genuine land reform, with the workers in sugar plantation who are tied to the whims and caprices of landowners, with disadvantaged women in the rural’s communities and even with battered women.

The involved and committed to work of justice, peace and integrity of creation are also persuaded to be enlivened by the presence and participation of young and lay people who possess and exhibit vitality and vigor for meaningful and liberating endeavors and initiatives. Collaboration and cooperation have to be sought with other religious congregation and parishes on behalf of justice and peace. Moreover, solidarity has to be sealed and fortified with other international organizations that provide support in the promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation in the Philippines soil.

In essence, partnership formation is to be established and worked out within a variety of issues and concerns. The basis of unity is in line with the promotion defense and protection of justice, peace and integrity of creation for and on behalf of the poor and the disadvantaged.


The implementation of JPIC program lies in the efforts and initiatives of the members of the General Commissariat together with other well meaning individuals in the parish, school and Carmel youth organizations.

The General Commissariat through the JPIC Commission shall help in the formulation of the Carmelite stance on specific JPIC issues that can be disseminated or published in any leading dailies or broadsheet. Through the secretariat it may provide technical support in the formulation, submission of project proposals for funding.

The local communities through the entire membership are fully mandated to perform assiduously several functions that can help in the effective and efficient implementation of JPIC concerns. These include among others: periodic consultations with sectoral organizations, reflection and discernment on JPIC orientation, foundation of the specific plan of action, implementation of JPIC activities, monitoring of programs of implementation, execution of remedial actions and evaluation of JPIC program.

Being aware of the nature and relevance of partnership the different sectoral and local organizations and non-government organizations will be fully encouraged to share their issues, aspirations and perspectives, to extend assistance in the implementation of JPIC activities, to participate in the assessment and evaluation.
The different organizations of young people and lay people in the parishes and schools will also be persuaded to help in the actualization of JPIC projects and activities. Their contributions can be expressed in the forms of dissemination of issues, facilitation of social and political forum, discernment of specific issues, participation in JPIC mobilization and in the celebration of faith.


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